Just transparent and clear.
- Bolder Advocaten is a partnership, hereinafter: the partnership, consisting of natural persons and/or legal entities.
- All assignments, whether given directly to Bolder Advocaten or to individual partners, shall be accepted and carried out exclusively by or on behalf of the partnership. Sections 7:404 and 7:407(2) of the Dutch Civil Code shall not apply.
- Any liability of Bolder Advocaten is limited to the amount paid out in the relevant case under the professional liability insurance policy(ies) taken out, to be increased by the amount of the excess applying in the relevant case under the applicable policy conditions. Further information on the content of the policy terms and conditions shall be provided on request.
- In engaging the services of third parties, Bolder Advocaten shall always exercise due care. Except in the case of intent or wilful recklessness, Bolder Advocaten shall not be liable for any damage resulting from failures of third parties. Bolder Advocaten assumes and if necessary hereby stipulates that each assignment includes the power to accept on behalf of the client any limitations of liability of third parties.
- The client indemnifies Bolder Advocaten against all claims by third parties, including reasonable costs of legal assistance, that are in any way related to or result from the work performed for the client, except in the case of intent or wilful recklessness on the part of Bolder Advocaten.
- Not only Bolder Advocaten, but also all persons engaged in the performance of any assignment of the client may invoke these general terms and conditions.
- The stipulations in these general terms and conditions have also been made for the benefit of those who work or have worked for the partnership.
- In principle, the work will be charged to the client on a monthly basis, with a payment term of fourteen days, to be calculated from the date of the invoice. In the event of late payment, Bolder Advocaten shall be entitled to charge statutory interest and to suspend the work.
- Subject to substantive tariff adjustments, the tariffs to be charged shall be adjusted with effect from 1 January in accordance with the consumer price index for all households for the preceding October/October period, on the understanding that the amounts will be rounded off to a multiple of €5.
- The legal relationship between the client and Bolder Advocaten is governed by Dutch law.
- The Rotterdam District Court, in its Rotterdam location, has exclusive jurisdiction to hear all legal actions between Bolder Advocaten and the client.
- These general conditions also apply to additional and follow-up assignments.